Saturday, 4 July 2009


Annie Sherburne presents


The 4th exhibition in a series of 12 informal monthly exhibitions looking at strategies of environmentally friendly textile and fashion design.

Unit 1:10 OXO Tower Wharf
Bargehouse Street
London SE1 9PH

What do natural dye colours look like? Can you use natural dyes easily it at home? What are the environmental implications for using natural dyes? How do they compare to synthetic chemical dyes? Can natural dyes be used in mass production? Where can you get natural dyes?

Come and see examples of indigo, madder, weld, cochineal, lac, and many other colours, and find out about the natural alchemy of roots, leaves and resins which create a different palette for textile designers to use.

We will be offering a selection of dyes, mordants and seeds to start your own dyers gardens.

A fabulous explanation of natural dying can be found at the following web site too:

We thoroughly look forward to seeing you at NATURAL DYES!

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